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Systems Administration Notes.

Adding new "status" options.

Adding new "status" options.

It is very easy to add new status options to the schema for a Roundup tracker but you need to make a couple of alterations to the html if you need the new options to show by default.

Login to the tracker with an id that has administrator privelages. Select "Class List" from the administration menu and then scroll down to "Status" select the item and click. The "Status editing" screen will be returned. The screen has the instructions for adding the new status.

Append "x" on the line below the end of the current status list. Follow this with a comma (,) the symbolic name of the status, a further comma and a number which will determine where the "status" appears in on screen lists. e.g.


Only when your done editing do you click on the button labled "Edit items". Bit confusing that but it does work.

The problem is that issues with the new status assigned will not show up when you select "issues -> Show All.

This is because the php code defines a variable "status_notresolved" as a string with a comma separated list of the status ids other than 8 which by default equals "resolved".

What we have to do is add the new status id to that string.

There are 3 instances where this occurs in the html. One in "page.html and two in which will be in <basedir>/trackers/<trackername>/html, and after saving a copy of the original, edit "page.html". Search for the string "status_notresolved string: -1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7;" (currently line 24) and append the new status numbers e.g.

status_notresolved string: -1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10;

In "issue.search.html" the edit needs to be made on lines 138 and 139 e.g.

<option value="-1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10" i18n:translate=""
   tal:attributes="selected python:value == ’-1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10’">not resolved</option>

And there you are, Bob’s your uncle.

Clifford W Fulford
20 January 2016.

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