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Systems Administration Notes.

Installing and configuring Roundup.
1. Logging permissions and using the mail gateway.

Installing and configuring Roundup.

1. Logging permissions and using the mail gateway.

The Roundup manual recommends that you create an alias for the roundup email recipient which pipes the incoming mail to the binary roundup-mailgw. I have multiple trackers, one for each client company so in this instance the recipient name is formed from the client name, eg mjs@citylinux.com. Thus the alias file includes:

mjs: "|/usr/local/bin/roundup-mailgw /u/roundup/trackers/mjs"

The problem with this is that roundup-gw is run as mjs not roundup which id owns the logfile.

The issue is resolved by creating mjs as a user and adding that user to the group roundup. Permissions on the log file which default to 622 are then changed to 664 (the owner is roundup.roundup).

Clifford W Fulford
28 October 2015.

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